How to choose the right drill bit for glass?
Drill bits are used to create holes in the different surfaces. They are available in different materials and diameters. One needs to choose the right drill bit according to their project needs. To choose the best drill bit for the work, one needs to consider the material of the surface to be drilled. Because every material is unique and has different properties. The important factors that one needs to consider while choosing drill bits are material, fit, diameter, bit length, bit type, and angle.
Compared to any other material, glass is one of the hardest materials to make holes because it cracks so easily. Even professionals find it hard to drill a hole through a glass. But it is possible to make a hole easily by using the right kind of drill bit. If you’re confused about choosing the best drill bit, then check now to know about the different types of drill bits available in the market.
For glass material, you need to choose the drill bits that look like small spears and they should be used with a low drilling speed. When it comes to drilling bits for glass, you can find two types of drill bits. You can choose diamond-tripped drill bits or carbide-tripped drill bits.
The carbide drill bits are extremely durable and also they withstand the friction of drilling into glass. Whereas diamond drill bits are also preferred because they are so harder than carbide drill bits. Therefore, you can choose either of the types according to your work needs.
You can any type of drill bits but working safely is essential. Because it is hard to create a hole in the right spot and so for the initial friction it is recommended to use tape. Maintain a steady pressure while drilling.