What Parts on a Pressure Washing Pump is The Chemical Injector Assembly

Machinery and equipment that has been manufactured according to pressure washing specifications can often be challenging for non-technical minded people to wrap their brains around once all has been said and is now out of the way. The reason behind this is that the interior components of these machines are so complex that you would never be able to make sense of them until you ask a professional. You might assume that your pressure washing rig contains little more than a pump, a hose and a water reservoir, but bear in mind that there is also a chemical injector portion that can play a role in you reaching the end game.

This injector is a really important part of the machine you use to power wash anything that crosses your mind, so understanding what it is and how it works can go a long way towards ensuring a successful outcome. The chemical injector assembly can be located just behind the water outlet, and you don’t have to concern yourself with turning it off or on. The way it is designed makes it so that the chemicals are injected automatically if the pressure is low, since that is the only occasion that would necessitate the use of chemical based cleaning liquids.

High pressure will prevent the chemicals from being injected into the stream which is sensible given that they are just not required in such circumstances. This automated system is a hallmark of the industry, and it enables you to take part in cleaning with pressure based methods an intuitive and easy to understand thing to do rather than being a somewhat insurmountable challenge.